Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kite weather! (and random pictures)

Jaron flying his new kite.
Faith flying her new kite.
Faith's new kite (I couldn't get her and the kite in the picture together no matter where I stood.  She had it up too high).
Juice box break.
New garden area. I'm going to try square-foot gardening in the the raised beds.  Onions are already coming up.  Plowed up area is for corn.  We can't wait for the ground to warm up, so we can plant!

Our back yard today (Dave took down two sides of the corral...with the help of the wind).

Our back yard 6 months ago.


Sharon S. said...

Your yard is looking better all the time...big enough for flying kites, too...what fun! Faith and Jaron look like they are having such fun.

megan said...

Wow I can't believe that is the same yard. If the tree wasn't the same I would have thought for sure you were pulling my leg. Your kites look like so much fun. I need to go find ours so we can go do that.

Melanie said...

You guys have given the place a lot of TLC and hard work! :) I thought it was out in the boonies, but from the garden pic, it looks like you have neighbors!

Brooke Jones said...

What a fun large yard! I am loving that Spring is here and my kiddos can spend some more time outside too. We want to try the square foot gardening thing too, but we may start that next year. Your kids are so cute!