Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Not-so-Easy Bake Oven

3 tiny pans,
3 tiny spoons,
3 tiny cake mixes,
3 hours later...
3 adorable ice-cream cupcakes,
2 smiling children,
1 tired mom!


Sharon S. said...

Oh, Kristin, I am SOOO sorry! I had no idea this gift would change life as you had known it! Note to other grandmas out there...take your daughter Christmas shopping with you when you're buying for her children!! You are such a patient mommy!

megan said...

You are such a great mom. They will always remember you as the best mom ever. The cones are really cute! Good Job!

Sue said...

At least you captured the positive final result - as you say the kids are happy and I must say the ice cream cone cakes are beautiful!

Melanie said...

The things we do for our children's enjoyment!

Together We Save said...

I am sure your grls had fun... even though the easy bake is usually a challenge!

Caryn said...

The ice cream cone cakes definitely look tastier than the 'cakes' we attempted to make in the 80's. lol. Maybe the extra time/labor is worth it? :) Such a cute picture of Faith & Jaron, btw!