Thursday, June 24, 2010

Faith turned 7!

Likes:  Tea parties (for her 7th birthday...and any other day), jumping on the trampoline (with daddy), swimming (or getting wet in any way, shape or form), reading (when it is not a chore and especially bible stories), ice cream (but it has to be vanilla bean), stuffed animals (she has over 100!), and her friends (she loves everyone).

Dislikes:  Being alone (unless by choice) & feeling left out, scary things (and the dark)...that's all I can come up with (she mostly likes everything/everyone!). 


Melanie said...

Looks like a super-fun party and very cute cake! Faith looks so grown up! Hard to believe I haven't seen her in person since she was a month or so old!

Sharon S. said...

And a good time was had by all! She looks like one happy little...oops, I mean big...girl! You were so creative with the party. Great job! And congratulations on turning 7, Faith!!!

Caryn said...

I'm so happy I was able to spend Faith's 7th birthday with her! The party went so well and I'm still amazed at how good all the girls were...lets see if Jaron's 7th birthday goes as carefree. lol. ;)