Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving.

At 7:30 on weekdays, you will find the kids and I standing at the end of our driveway waiting for the school bus. For the past several weeks, it has been getting darker, wetter, and colder everyday. I know, we live in's just that time of year...what do I expect?...So, I won't complain (too much). I'll just say, it's getting a little old.

This morning we were greeted at the bus stop by this rainbow. Faith was excited (so was I) and asked me to get my camera. The sun was just beginning to rise, so with each passing minute, the rainbow got even brighter! It was such a fun addition to our normal, everyday routine and a perfect start to the Thanksgiving holiday. It reminded me that I have so much to be thankful for. I know that sounds corny and NO, I won't list everything I'm thankful for because that would take too long and just be tacky! But, I will thank God for changing up our morning just a little, and for the small reminder that the rain doesn't last forever. Thank you, God, for calling us out of darkness into your wonderful light! (1Pet2:9)

Jaron woke up a few minutes after the bus picked Faith up (I know, another thing to be thankful for!). He wanted to see the rainbow, too...but he didn't want to go outside to do it.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Melanie said...

What an amazing view from your window! Faith looks so grown up, too.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sharon S. said...

What a view! I'll say it again...what a view!!! Your new home is wonderful. So nice and homey. Thanks for sharing it with us over the holiday. We had such a good time.

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Oh how sweet! I love rainbow days!!

Blessings sweet friend!

Brooke Jones said...

Yes, that view is beautiful! I miss how pretty the Northwest is. I served my mission in Washington and know how dreary it can be in the winter months whenever I saw a rainbow this song came to mind. It is the first verse of a song about baptism that the primary kids sing at church. It goes like this

"I like to look for rainbows when ever there is rain
and ponder on the beauty of an earth made clean again.
I want my life to be as clean as Earth right after rain
I want to be the best I can,
and live with God again."

Yes- Thank Goodness for Rainbows!

We just sold and bought a house this summer and we feel like it was all a miracle. I am so glad that things worked out for your house. It sounds like the perfect place for your family.