Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Picture Medley...

Sounders FC game at Qwest Field with Caryn and Brian (Sounders 2, FC Dallas 1). Hooray!

Living room. Sasha, I told you I would steal your silhouette idea. Too cute!

Faith's new room.

Jaron's new room.

On a big tire in our new back yard. Hmmm...what will we do with that?

Faith and Jaron in their fort.

Tractor ride at Stoney Ridge pumpkin patch with Shanon and Cody.

Kids on tractor with cousins (Colton & Cody).

Faith and Jaron enjoying our "new" (okay, gently used) trampoline.
It seems like forever since I last posted anything. I would tell you it is because we have been so busy working on fixing up our new house that I just haven't had the time, but the above pictures would say otherwise. The truth is, we HAVE been busy fixing up our house AND we have also been busy playing a lot, too.


Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Wow!!!! I LOVE IT girl! You have done such a great job fixing it all up cute! And the pictures look darling!

Sue said...

Great work you guys! I know what it takes to fix stuff up and I'd say you've been working hard and fast to get it done! Looking good!

Caryn said...

YAY, an update, finally! ;) I like the picture medley, you sure have been up to a lot!