Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st Grader

Yesterday was Faith's first day of 1st grade! It was her first day at a new school and staying the full day. She seemed tired when she got home, but had a great day. She was very excited to go again today. I think it is mostly because today is teddy bear day and last night she picked out "the perfect" bear to bring with her. I'm so happy she still gets excited about things like teddy bears...reminds me that she is still my little girl!


Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Oh cute!!

I cant' remember where you said she was going this year? And it looks like you still haven't moved? Is that still happening?

I hope all is well with you guys!!

Caryn said...

She looks so pretty and so grown up. :)

Sharon S. said...

Our sweet little girl! I'm so glad she loves her new school.

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Thank you for the SWEET birthday wishes!! You blessed my heart with your comment, you sweet thing YOU!