Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lake Wenatchee

We had our annual Knopik Family Campout (KFC) at Lake Wenatchee State Park this year. On Friday, we left cloudy & cool Bellingham and drove 3 hours to cool and WINDY Lake Wenatchee. Besides wishing we had packed a few more sweatshirts and a second pair of long pants for the kiddos, we had a terrific campout! We had a blast spending time with family!! A few pics:

Jaron 2 hours after arriving. Now you know why I wished I'd packed more clothes!

Faith and Colton on a scavenger hunt. Very serious business for soon-to-be 1st graders!

Faith in the river just outside Leavenworth, WA. Yeah, that's right. We cheated and drove to sunny and warm Leavenworth on Saturday (an adorable Bavarian town 20 minutes away from our campground and 20 degrees warmer).

The kids in Leavenworth after swimming and ice cream. No wonder they are smiling...that and the fact that it is always fun to climb all over "people statues." This is one of many photos they insisted I take.

7am Sunday morning. I hope it's not too early for one of these!

1 comment:

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

oh fun! We camped there last year and it was cold and windy there too! We also went into Leavenworth for icecream and fun... glad you had a good time.

Can you believe school is almost starting? I just can't believe our Summer is coming to a close. Yikes!