Friday, July 3, 2009

Smiles...just a little late.

Looking at the calendar on Monday, in total disbelief and partial denial that July was really starting this week, I remembered I still hadn't taken Jaron anywhere to get his 3 year-old picture taken. I mean, he only turned 3 in May! Okay, so I'm only a few months late. I quickly called Sears and scheduled an appointment. Yesterday was the big day. Several clothes changes, face washings, and a bribe to sit on the riding lawn mower in Sears if he smiles for a least one picture later, we get the above result. Hooray!! The smile quickly faded when it was time to get off the lawn mower and then faded again when the mall's play area was temporarily closed for cleaning. A kid's life is so tough! Is picture day stressful for anyone else?


Melanie said...

Yes, picture days are easily one of the most stressful for me! One time the kids were NOT cooperating, and the photog suggested coming back a different day. Inside I was thinking, "Are you kidding? Do you know what it took for me to get them dressed and here this time??"

The result always seems to be worth it. :) Your little guy is sure getting big!

Judy said...

If you ever need another bribe, tell Jaron that Chuck will put the 4 wheeler in the back of his pickup and drive it all the way to WA so he can have a ride . . . 'cuz you know Chuck would actually do it if it was for Jaron!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

yes, and it ALWAYS has been!! I have just plain given up. Ha!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Your comments always make Adrain and I laugh, and he has no idea who you are... he laughed last night when I told him that I know you in real life!! You are a crack up. And no, he can't cover those biceps... it's a law in our house, and if it gets broken, there might need to be an arrest. (wink)

Are you all moved in yet? We'd still love a playdate one day soon!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Are you almost read to move in yet??

You've been awfully quiet on the computer, which makes me think that you're very busy... can't wait to see the new house photos!

I hope it's going well...

Oh- and I just registered Ava for "Gotta sing, gotta dance" I didn't know if you were doing it this year or not but thought I'd let you know just in case.

Sharon S. said...
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Sharon S. said...

I love the picture! What a sweetie he is...are we blessed, or what? My kids have actually gotten much easier to handle on picture day! Ha! I missed your last blog update...hadn't seen the lyrics before. So beautiful! Stay cool! Love you guys!

Sue said...

Oh I totally understand what goes into those picture days. The end result is adorable!