Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Faith with cake!

Faith with presents!

Faith with friends!

It's really hard for me to believe she is six already! I know that everybody says it, but it's true...the years go by so fast.
Likes: animals (mostly stuffed), breakables, dancing, riding her bike, swimming, art (any craft), friends!
Dislikes: chocolate (I know, how is that possible with me as her mother?), that she has not lost a tooth yet, and Jaron messing with her "stuff."


Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

cute blog!! thanks for inviting me to read it! I saw you have a Twilight icon... I love Twilight. :)

This will be fun to stay in touch!

Also fun to see you in Walmart. I think I've been there three time in my whole entire life.

Take care, and talk to you soon,

Melanie said...

Happy Birthday, Faith!!

What a beautiful girl! I can't believe it's been six years already! (which means it's been 6 years since we've seen you guys!) :(

Sharon S. said...

Cute! Faith was so sweet at the recital.