Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Company, Company & More Company!

Is there anything more fun than hanging out with friends and family? We have had a blast having company staying with us for the past three weekends. Check out the fun times below!

1st visitors: The Kanagy family. Our good friends from Colorado stayed with us for 4 days while Claire (front, black sweatshirt) checked out a couple of area universities. Hmmmm...wonder if she'll end up at school in out neck of the woods? Chuck, Judy and lil' sis, Fay also along for the visit.
Jaron with his buddy Chuck. Two peas in a pod!

2nd visitors: Sharon, Paul and Ruth (Mama Pooth). We had a blast showing Dave's Aunt Ruth around Bellingham. To make things even more exciting, I locked us girls out of the house for a few hours while the guys were at a movie (with cell phones turned off). Thank goodness the mall was close by!

3rd visitors: My brother, Cliff and his family came for a visit this past weekend. The highlight of the weekend was taking the kiddos to GoodWill and finding some awesome deals! Hooray for "1/2 price day!"

Cousins are the best!!


Caryn said...

YAY! New pictures. :) Looks like you had fun with everyone! Miss you guys!

megan said...

I can't believe how big Jaron is getting. It looks like you guys have a place for a band session at your house. How fun! Who is the singer? I agree with you "how come kids don't get cold." I will be freezing while they could care less.

Sue said...

Wow - you have been busy! Nice to see pictures of all your guests. Love the new family picture too!