Friday, December 12, 2008

How will you celebrate?

When everyday life is so busy, Christmas can become an added stressor! So many things to do, so many things to buy, so many obligations and guilt! Why? I guess it is because someone, some time ago decided that that is the way it should be. If you think back to your own childhood Christmas memories, what are they? Are they full of anxiety, guilt and stress? Probably not! One of my most distinct Christmas memories is one of the last that I spent with my mom. It was Christmas Eve and my mom took us to get a Christmas tree. By then the lot was pretty well picked over, but she had waited until Christmas Eve to have us pick out our tree because the guy that ran the Christmas tree lot said he would give her a tree for half price on that day. For some reason, it didn't seem to matter to me that everyone else had their trees up weeks before or even that they had presents under them. I eagerly awaited the night that WE would get OUR tree! I don't remember what I got for Christmas that year or if we even got presents at all, but I do remember staying up late decorating our tree with my mom and my brothers and sister and I remember being happy.


Melanie said...

Thanks for sharing that. :) I liked the video, too. Really puts things in perspective!

. La Kris said...

I love the pics...

You guys are adorable... then again you are family ;)

What a nice remember about taking a look at what the true meaning of Christmas is... peace, joy and love! That is what matters the most...