Thursday, October 9, 2008

Congratulations little fish!

We are happy to announce our little fish passed her first swim lessons (on the second try)! Yes, this is the same little girl who was afraid to run through the sprinkler this summer, for fear that she would get her face wet. It's also the same little girl who prayed several times a day on the days just before lessons started. Well, praise God! Now we can't keep her above the water!! She has gained soooo much confidence and we are so excited for her! I did have to tell her that when the teacher is giving them instructions she needs to listen carefully and not dunk her head or "practice" during that time. Her response was, "I can hear underwater." She starts her next session on Oct. 27th. Hooray!

Tyler, she loves the swim cap and goggles!!

1 comment:

Lisa A. said...

Tyler was so happy to see a picture of Faith in the goggles and swim cap ("swimming hair pretty") he got her. It is so fun for him to see her doing a lot of the same things he enjoys. He has her picture and the painting from her hanging on his bedroom wall. We miss you guys!