Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Naughty by nature?

While helping me unpack Daddy's suitcase last week, Jaron immediately grabbed the toothbrush holder and started running around the basement shooting at everything in sight. This was not a new occurance. I have seen him do the same thing with other objects (brushes, sticks, hangers, etc...). But today, while getting shot at by my two year old (btw, I never shoot back), I started thinking "where did he learn this?" It couldn't be his sister (for whom he spends the majority of everyday with). I've never seen her shoot at anything. Couldn't be TV, he doesn't watch TV. His dad? Church? MOPS? Library? Grocery store? ...seems unlikely.

Surely, he couldn't just know this action by nature. Even if he has only seen one or two other little boys do it, why did it leave such an impression? So much so that he mimicks it time and time again.



megan said...

I think it is their nature. Boys are boys, and they just know that what is what they like. That is a really cute picture of Jaron

Sharon S. said...

Oh, my gosh...this is the cutest picture! Yes, I think it just comes naturally to our little guys. They're hunters by nature. What a cute little "hunter" he is!