Thursday, June 24, 2010

Faith turned 7!

Likes:  Tea parties (for her 7th birthday...and any other day), jumping on the trampoline (with daddy), swimming (or getting wet in any way, shape or form), reading (when it is not a chore and especially bible stories), ice cream (but it has to be vanilla bean), stuffed animals (she has over 100!), and her friends (she loves everyone).

Dislikes:  Being alone (unless by choice) & feeling left out, scary things (and the dark)...that's all I can come up with (she mostly likes everything/everyone!). 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

They may be terrible, but there's no need to curse! (continuing the Suprak major league ball park tour)

Dave had to go to Baltimore, MD for a work conference.  We decided it would be a great opportunity to continue our Major League Ball Park Tour (we are going to see how many fields we can visit before the kiddos are grown...or don't want to be seen with us in public anymore!).  Plus, it was a great excuse to see the East Coast and visit a town we probably wouldn't visit otherwise. 

Our hotel was on the inner harbor with a lot of fun places to go and things to see.  We bought tickets to see the Orioles play the Red Sox last Friday night.  That morning we took off for the Children's Museum a few blocks away, sporting our new orange Orioles t-shirts.  In the 6 block journey to the museum, two cars yelled at us...THEY YELLED STUFF I CANNOT WRITE ON THIS BLOG AND CERTAINLY DIDN'T WANT MY KIDS TO HEAR!!  Dave and I quickly realized that even though we were in Baltimore, Oriole fans are a minority.

So what if the team is on a 16 game losing streak, just fired their manager, and ended up losing to the Red Sox by 11 runs.  And, so what if the stands were filled with red and 70% of the crowd was cheering for Boston!  It was still a terrific trip and we had a wicked-awesome time!