Friday, May 28, 2010

The kid is 4!

Jaron likes: cat-shaped birthday cakes (for his 4th birthday), dirt (but not getting dirty), sweets (more than "real" food), his sister (when he wants to), reading (especially if he gets to be the one to "read"), going really fast on his bike (to scare his mom), jumping on the trampoline (the higher the better), being tickled (or just laughing) and cars, cars, cars (every kind...all the time!)

Jaron dislikes:  Having to finish his dinner (when he thinks he is done), being told what to do (especially by his sister), the dark (and being alone), having to come in from being outside (or having to go outside from being inside), having to get into the bath tub (or having to get out of the bath tub), having to go to bed (or being told it is time to get up) see the pattern.

Happy 4th birthday, sweet & unique child of God!  Love you!!