Friday, January 29, 2010

B.E.A.R. week & Tigger, too!

This week Faith's school is having B.E.A.R. week (Being Excited About Reading). You may remember that last year, during this week, Faith dressed as Bambi. Today, continuing the Disney character theme, she is heading off to school as Tigger.

A few modifications to her Halloween costume (making it easier to go potty by herself. I'm a mom...I worry about things like that!) combined with a little face makeup and she ready to bounce off to school!

We had some leftover material, so I made her stuffed bear a matching outfit, of course (again, I'm a mom...I do things like that to make my daughter happy and make us run late in the morning).

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Itching to roast January?

Our family spent the day working in our yard. The highlight was testing out our fire pit with a hot dog & marshmallow roast this evening. Faith even invited the little girl next door over to join in the fun. She took a few family pictures of us. Even "kitty-kitty" is in this picture. He also seemed to enjoy hanging around the campfire, although this did cause Jaron quite a bit of distress. He was sure the kitty would jump in the fire. While we cleaned the fire pit and Dave built a fire, Jaron ran around the yard shouting, "I can't wait, I can't wait...we are going to camp marshmallows!" None of us corrected him. It was too cute!

Faith trying a marshmallow, "daddy-style." He says toasting a marshmallow until it is golden brown is a waste of time and seriously over-rated. I completely DISAGREE!

It's hard to believe when we first moved in, we couldn't even see this fire pit through all the grass, shrubs, trees, garbage...

Thank you El nino, for a fabulously warm January day.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Shiner

1st lesson learned in 2010: If you stand only 3 feet tall, don't walk too close to a foos ball table while your cousins are playing. You're liable to get a black eye!