Saturday, December 5, 2009

Santa, please stick to the script!

We took the kids to the Pioneer Park Christmas display in Ferndale today. The whole experience was really fun and REALLY COLD! We walked through all the little cabins, the little school house, post office, general store, etc... The kids got to do crafts, make cookies, eat cookies, ride a covered wagon and see SANTA (this was the highlight of the trip, of course)! Jaron was nervous about talking to Santa, so Faith went up with him to give him courage and to be his "spokeswoman." She got right to the point and told Santa what they both wanted. Afterall, she had been thinking about it all morning, running different ideas by us. We had to shoot down her number one choice of gift, a ride in Santa's sleigh. I felt bad telling her she couldn't ask him for that, but I explained the safety issues that would be involved, not to mention the time crunch Santa would be in on Christmas Eve, and she seemed to understand. :)
Instead, She asked him for a jewelry box and for Jaron, a toy car. Then, Santa started asking them questions. It went something like this:

Santa: Jaron, have you been good?
Jaron: Nodded his head.
Santa: Jaron, do you help your mom?
Jaron: Shook his head. ( I don't think he understood the question, or maybe he was just being really honest) :)

Santa: Faith, have you been good?
Faith: Yes.
Santa: What grade are you in?
Faith: 1st grade.
Santa: Do you work hard in school?
Faith: Yes.
Santa: What is your favorite subject?
Faith: Bible.
Santa: Oh, what school do you go to?
Faith: Lynden Christain School.
Santa: Really? There is a church group that meets at that school on Sundays and that is where I go to church.

Long pause...

Dave and I look at each other,
Santa looks at us,

Clearly, we are all thinking the same thing. 'It's time for us to leave and time for Santa to review his script.'

Merry Christmas!