Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Go Mariners!

Mariners game at Safeco Field.

Snow cones!

Go Mariners!

Dave and Luke (our nephew)

Even though we cheered with all our might, the Seattle Mariners lost badly to Cleveland on Saturday. That didn't matter to our kids, or to us for that matter...we had a blast! Our cool shade for the first inning quickly moved up the bleachers and things started heating up. Nothing that a giant snow cone can't remedy, right? Wrong, if you drop it on the kid in the row right in front of you (poor Jaron lost his after only a few bites and some poor child got to wear lime snow cone for the rest of the day). Mariners, if you won't entertain us, Jaron will!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Smiles...just a little late.

Looking at the calendar on Monday, in total disbelief and partial denial that July was really starting this week, I remembered I still hadn't taken Jaron anywhere to get his 3 year-old picture taken. I mean, he only turned 3 in May! Okay, so I'm only a few months late. I quickly called Sears and scheduled an appointment. Yesterday was the big day. Several clothes changes, face washings, and a bribe to sit on the riding lawn mower in Sears if he smiles for a least one picture later, we get the above result. Hooray!! The smile quickly faded when it was time to get off the lawn mower and then faded again when the mall's play area was temporarily closed for cleaning. A kid's life is so tough! Is picture day stressful for anyone else?