Sunday, March 29, 2009

30 chicks and a duckling!

Faith with cousin Colton paying a visit to the newest additions to the Knopik household.

30 chicks ...

and a duckling!
We left early Friday morning (4:50 am to be exact!) to head to Eastern Washington to visit my brother Clint and his family. Faith said she wanted to leave as early as possible so that she could sleep the whole way. Of course, that didn't happen. She was way too excited and just couldn't seem to get comfortable. She thinks someone should invent a booster seat that is easier to fall asleep in. You know, like Jaron's car seat for toddlers. :)
We arrived in West Richland (shortly before 11:00) just in time to watch Colton get off the school bus right in front of his house. Faith was very excited when Colton had her get on the bus so that he could show her to some of his friends. I don't think the car waiting behind the bus was all that happy. She can't wait until she gets to ride the bus! Next year, maybe?
Saturday was Colton's 6th birthday party and we all got educated on Ben 10 (his favorite action figures). This was also the day the chicks Clint and Shanon had ordered arrived at the feed store. Clint and Dave took Colton and Jaron to pick them up first thing that morning. We were surprised to see that they had also brought home a duck. As soon as Shanon and I looked at it, we knew why they had brought it cute!! Colton explained to Faith right away that as soon as the chicks grew big, they would get their heads chopped off. It didn't seem to bother her as long as they were safe for now. She checked on them every couple hours all day.
Today was one more visit with the chicks and on then on the road again!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Everything's amazing, Nobody's happy

My mom-in-law has a sign in her house that says, "People are about as happy as they choose to be." And, for the most part, I believe that to be true. I just think we, as selfish humans, need to be reminded of that from time to time. Check out this video:

In the midst of everything...let's choose to be happy!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Company, Company & More Company!

Is there anything more fun than hanging out with friends and family? We have had a blast having company staying with us for the past three weekends. Check out the fun times below!

1st visitors: The Kanagy family. Our good friends from Colorado stayed with us for 4 days while Claire (front, black sweatshirt) checked out a couple of area universities. Hmmmm...wonder if she'll end up at school in out neck of the woods? Chuck, Judy and lil' sis, Fay also along for the visit.
Jaron with his buddy Chuck. Two peas in a pod!

2nd visitors: Sharon, Paul and Ruth (Mama Pooth). We had a blast showing Dave's Aunt Ruth around Bellingham. To make things even more exciting, I locked us girls out of the house for a few hours while the guys were at a movie (with cell phones turned off). Thank goodness the mall was close by!

3rd visitors: My brother, Cliff and his family came for a visit this past weekend. The highlight of the weekend was taking the kiddos to GoodWill and finding some awesome deals! Hooray for "1/2 price day!"

Cousins are the best!!