Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oh, Deer!

This week is B.E.A.R. week at school for Faith. That's Being Excited About Reading! Each day, her class does some activity to emphasize reading. Tomorrow is "come as your favorite character" day. The kids get to dress up as their favorite story-book character. Faith thought long and hard about who she wanted to dress up as. She was torn between Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer and Bambi (notice the deer theme...currently her favorite animal!). After school today, she decided she would like to go as Bambi so we got right to work creating her a costume. This is a picture of Bambi-Faith posing in front of the mirror so you can get a view of both sides of her outfit!

Side note: We checked the book, Bambi, out from the public library in Colorado once about a year ago and she has never seen the movie. She says she is going to tell the kids in her class the story as best she can remember it. :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blue Sky!

On the way to church on Sunday morning, Jaron looked up and said, "Look, Mommy! The sky is out!" It took me a second to realize that he meant the blue sky! It has been grey, foggy and a bit dreary around here for weeks. I guess that explains his surprise. We decided to take full advantage of our sunny day. After church, while Jaron napped, Faith took her first real big girl bike ride around the neighborhood. She learned to ride her bike without training wheels several weeks ago (in the garage) and has been itching for a nice day to ride somewhere other than our driveway. She loved every minute of our ride together: learning to ride on one side of the street, using her breaks down the hills, standing up to pedal really hard to get up the hills, and even pulling over to stop while cars passed.

When Jaron woke up, we gathered some old bread I'd been saving in the freezer and headed to the fishing pond to feed the ducks. Both kids thought it was a treat when daddy decided he would pull them there in the wagon that Nanny & Papa gave Jaron for Christmas.

It was nearly dark when we got back home and every one's fingers were cold!

Jaron decided that old, stale bread doesn't taste that great.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Friday, January 9, 2009

Holiday/Snow Pictures!

Jaron on Christmas Eve!

Faith with her new Christmas Scooter!

Lots of Snow!

Goofy face!

Daddy and Faith with snowman!

Whatcom Falls

Fishing pond at Whatcom Falls park